AFTER DOWNLOAD THIS MAY BE UNUSABLE IN WINDOWS NOTEPAD. OPEN IN FRAME OR WORD FIRST, SAVE AS A PLAIN TEXT FILE, AND *THEN* USE NOTEPAD!!! ; Weights Line Descriptions ; Two tech docs: ; ; ; describe fixes for the maker.ini file dealing with missing font errors. ; Both solutions describe the same change. ; This weights line is the original as shipped in maker.ini ; Weights=Thin 100, ExtraLight 200, SemiLight 250, Light 300, Book 300, Regular 400, SemiBold 600, DemiBold 600, Bold 700, ExtraBold 800, Heavy 900 ; This weights line is Adobe's suggested change ; Weights=Thin 100, ExtraLight 200, SemiLight 250, Light 300, Book 300, Regular 400, Black 400, Bold 700, SemiBold 700, DemiBold 600, ExtraBlack 800, ExtraBold 800, Heavy 900 ; This weights line is one that I am testing ; Weights=Thin 100, ExtraLight 200, SemiLight 250, Light 300, Book 300, Regular 400, DemiBold 500, SemiBold 600, Bold 700, Bolded 700, ExtraBold 750, Black 800, ExtraBlack 850, Heavy 900 ;============================================================================= [UnknownToKnownFontMap] ; SPECIFIC NOTES ------------------------------------------------------------ ; ARIAL & ARIAL BLACK BETWEEN MAC AND WINDOWS ; In the direction of Mac to Windows, it appears you can't swap ; Arial and Arial Black at the same time, I think because the Arial*** line ; grabs it before Arial,*,Black*. This means that you can't have a line like ; Arial=anything. ; Also, you cannot have Arial enabled. ; In Mac, Arial is the Family and Black is a weight; in Win, Arial Black is the ; the family. ;Mapping for fonts used by Frame Products on non-Windows platforms: ;ArialMT, *, *, *=Arial, *, *, Regular ;Arial Unicode MT, *, *, *=Arial, *, *, Regular Chicago, *, *, *=Helvetica, *, *, Regular Geneva, *, *, *=Helvetica, *, *, Regular NewYork, *, *, *=Times, *, *, Regular Monaco, *, *, *=Courier, *, *, Regular Helvetica, *, Light, *=Helvetica, *, Regular, Regular Helvetica, *, *, UltraCompressed=Helvetica, *, *, Narrow Helvetica, *, *, Condensed=Helvetica, *, *, Narrow Lumina, *, *, *=Helvetica, *, *, Regular ;TwCen, *, *, *=Tw Cen MT, *, *, Regular ; The top two Helvetica-Narrow lines are the defaults. In the default maker.ini ; file, they are at the bottom of the mapping area in a section called "for import". Helvetica, Italic, *, *=Helvetica, Oblique, *, Regular Helvetica-Narrow, Regular, *, *=Helvetica, Regular, *, Narrow Helvetica-Narrow, Italic, *, *=Helvetica, Oblique, *, Narrow ;HelveticaNarrow, *, *, *=Helvetica, * , * , Narrow ;HelveticaNarrow, Italic, *, *=Helvetica, Oblique, *, Narrow ; ABOUT HELVETICA NARROW and ARIAL NARROW ==================================== ; Frame's default name is Helvetica, *, *, Narrow because of the defaults shown ; above. If these are commented out, the name becomes H-N**R. : In the PS <-> TT sections below, where the goal is to convert between Arial ; Narrow and Helvetica Narrow, the only conversion that seems to work is : H-N; H**N does not. To convert from Arial Narrow to Helvetica Narrow you must: : 1. Comment out the two H-N=H**N lines above. ; 2. Open and save the file (remember=off). This changes the name to ; Helvetica-Narrow. ; 3. Uncomment the two lines. ; 4. Open again; this changes it back to regular H**N ; To convert from Helvetica Narrow to Arial Narrow, you don't have to messs with ; them (they can be commented or not). However, during normal operations, the : lines should be active simply because that's the FrameMaker default. ; PostScript > TrueType ------------------------------------------------------ AvantGarde, *, *, *=Century Gothic, *, *, Regular Book Antiqua, *, *, *=Palatino, *, *, Regular ; Choose only one Bookman line Bookman, *, *, *=Bookman Old Style, *, *, Regular ;Bookman Medium, *, *, *=Bookman Old Style, *, *, Regular Courier, *, *, *=Courier New, *, *, Regular Helvetica, Oblique, *, Regular=Arial, Italic, *, Regular Helvetica, *, *, Regular=Arial, *, *, Regular Helvetica-Narrow, *, *, *=Arial Narrow, Regular, *, Regular Helvetica Black, *, *, *=Arial Black, Regular, Regular, Regular Impact, *, *, *=Haettenschweiler, Regular, Regular, Regular NewCenturySchlbk, *, *, *=Century Schoolbook, *, *, Regular Palatino, *, *, *=Book Antiqua, *, *, Regular Times, *, *, *=Times New Roman, *, *, Regular ZapfDingbats, *, *, *=Monotype Sorts, Regular, Regular, Regular ZapfChancery, *, *, *=Monotype Corsiva, Italic, Regular, Regular Univers 45 Light, *, *, *=Univers, *, *, Regular Univers 55, *, *, *=Univers, *, *, Regular Univers 47 CondensedLight, *, *, *=Univers Condensed, *, *, Regular Univers 57 CondensedLight, *, *, *=Univers Condensed, *, *, Regular ;57 doesn't work, don't know why ; TrueType > PostScript ---------------------------------------------- Arial, *, *, *=Helvetica, *, *, Regular Arial, Italic, *, *, *=Helvetica, Oblique, *, Regular ;Arial Black, *, *, *=Helvetica Black, *, Regular, Regular ;Arial MT Black, *, *, *=Helvetica Black, *, Regular, Regular Arial Narrow, *, *, *=Helvetica-Narrow, *, *, Regular Book Antiqua, *, *, *=Palatino, *, *, Regular ; Choose only one Bookman Old Style Bookman Old Style, *, *, *=Bookman, *, *, Regular ;Bookman Old Style, *, *, *=Bookman Medium, *, *, Regular Century Gothic, *, *, *=AvantGarde, *, *, Regular Century Schoolbook, *, *, *=NewCenturySchlbk, *, *, Regular Courier New, *, *, *=Courier, *, *, Regular Haettenschweiler, *, *, *=Impact, Regular, Regular, Regular Monotype Sorts, *, *, *=ZapfDingbats, Regular, Regular, Regular Monotype Corsiva, *, *, *=ZapfChancery, Italic, Regular, Regular NewCenturySchlbk, *, *, *=CenturySchoolbook, *, *, Regular Palatino Linotype, *, *, *=Palatino, *, *, Regular Times New Roman, *, *, *=Times, *, *, Regular Univers, Regular, Regular, *=Univers 55, Regular, Regular, Regular Univers, Regular, Bold, *=Univers 45, Regular, Bold, Regular Univers, Italic, Regular, *=Univers 55, Italic, Regular, Regular Univers, Italic, Bold, *=Univers 55 Light, Italic, Bold, Regular Univers Condensed, Regular, Regular, *= Univers 57 Condensed, Regular, Regular, Regular Univers Condensed, Italic, Regular, *=Univers 57 Condensed, Italic, Regular, Regular Univers Condensed, Italic, Bold, *=Univers 47 CondensedLight, Italic, Bold, Regular Univers Condensed, Regular, Bold, *=Univers 47 CondensedLight, Regular, Bold, Regular ;47 doesn't work, don't know why ; Oddball and Multiple Master conversions ---------------------------- Comic Sans MS, *, *, *=Tekton, *, *, Regular Technical, *, *, *=Tekton, *, *, Regular Britannic Bold, *, *, *=BritannicTBol, Regular, Regular, Regular Technical Bolded, *, *, *=Tekton, *, Bold, Regular Myriad Tilt, *, *, *=Myriad Condensed, *, *, Regular ;Myriad Condensed, *, SemiBold, *=Myriad Condensed, *, Bold, Regular ;TektoMM, *, *, *=Tekton, *, *, Regular ;TektoMM_240 RG 564 NO, *, *, *=Tekton, *, *, Regular ;Myriad, *, *, Regular=Myriad Roman, *, *, Regular ; Bitstream <> Adobe conversions ------------------------------------- ;AvantGarde Md BT, Regular, *, *=AvantGarde, Regular, Regular, Regular ;AvantGarde Bk BT, Oblique, Regular, *=AvantGarde, Oblique, Book, Regular ;AvantGarde Md BT, Regular, Bold, *=AvantGarde, *, DemiBold, Regular ;AvantGarde Md BT, Oblique, Bold, *=AvantGarde, Oblique, DemiBold, Regular ;AvantGarde, Regular, *, *=AvantGarde Md BT, Regular, Regular, Regular ;AvantGarde, Oblique, Book, *=AvantGarde Bk BT, Oblique, Regular, Regular ;AvantGarde, Regular, DemiBold, *=AvantGarde Md BT, Regular, Regular, Regular ;AvantGarde, Oblique, DemiBold, *=AvantGarde Md BT, Oblique, Regular, Regular ;BellGothic BT, *, *, *=News Gothic, *, *, Regular ;News Gothic, *, *, Regular=BellGothic BT, Regular, Regular, Regular ;Humanst521 BT, *, *, *=GillSans, *, *, Regular ;GillSans, *, *, *=Humanst521 BT, *, *, Regular ;LettrGoth12 BT, *, *, *=Letter Gothic, *, *, Regular ;Letter Gothic12 BT, *, *, *=LetterGothic, *, *, Regular ;Letter Gothic, *, *, *=LettrGoth12 BT, *, *, Regular ;Stencil BT, *, *, *=Stencil, Regular, Regular, Regular ;Stencil, *, *, *=Stencil BT, Regular, Regular, Regular ;ZapfDingbats BT, *, *, *=ZapfDingbats, Regular, Regular, Regular ;ZapfDingbats, *, *, *=ZapfDingbats BT, Regular, Regular, Regular ;Zurich BT, *, *, *=Univers, *, *, Regular ;Univers, *, *, *=Zurich BT, *, *, Regular ;Zurich Cn BT, *, *, *=Univers Condensed, *, *, Regular ;Univers Condensed, *, *, *=Zurich Cn BT, *, *, Regular ; Those oddball Hewlett-Packard things ------------------------------ Albertus (W1)=Albertus Medium AlbertusXb (W1)=Albertus Extra Bold Antique Olv (W1)=Antique Olive CG Times (W1)=CG Times Courier (W1)=Courier New Coronet (W1)=Coronet Letter Gothic (W1)=Letter Gothic Univers (W1)=Univers Univers Cd (W1)=Univers Condensed Albertus (WN)=Albertus Medium Albertus Xb (WN)=Albertus Extra Bold Antique Olv (WN)=Antique Olive CG Times (WN)=CG Times Courier (WN)=Courier New Letter Gothic (WN)=Letter Gothic Univers (WN)=Univers Univers Cd (WN)=Univers Condensed Clarendon Cd (W1)=Clarendon Condensed CG Omega (W1)=CG Omega Garmond (W1)=Garamond Marigold (W1)=Marigold ; Name changes between old to new ------------------------------------- ; This section is for fonts that changed their name over the years. ; If a substitution doesn't work, search the lines above. ; TOP line is old=new; bottom line is new=old Arial MT Black, *, *, *=Arial Black, *, *, Regular ;Arial Black, *, *, *=Arial MT Black, *, *, Regular ; Misc. Stuff Helvetica Neue, *, *, Condensed=Helvetica Condensed, *, *, Regular